Wednesday 4 May 2016


{ Dr Selvi and Dr Goh arrival }

            Today is the day where our social engagement course coordinator -Dr Selvi and our guest - Dr Goh come and visit us at MRSM Pendang. A warm welcome to them! :)
            Around 11:30a.m. , Dr Selvi and Dr Goh arrived. Let us give a round applause to them ~~~
            Upon arrival, Dr Selvi and Dr Goh give a brief introduction of themselves to students and Dr Selvi also ask students how they feel about our programme .

Students paying full attention ~~ :)

Dr Goh introducing himself to students ~~

 After lunch ,  let us welcome our guest , Dr Goh to give his talk! :)


                  During the talk , Dr Goh introduce science and physics theory to students ~~

Dr Goh was explaining physics theory on the board ~~

 Thanks a lot for the talk by Dr Goh ! Students should have gain a lot of knowledge about physics from the talk ! ^^

Yoohoo ! Now start the LDK 2 session , students following their own group faci and start the LDK 2 :

LDK 2 :

# Task 1 - separate the strings 

Students are trying different ways to separate the strings tied on both of their hands :)
And through this activity , students get to improve their thinking skills or solving problem skills ! Yeah ! ^^

# Task 2 - Make the Pepsi can standing at 45 degree 

Students trying to make the can standing at 45 degree :)

Yeah , mission complete !!! ~~~

#Task 3 - two groups combine and solve the cross-word puzzle provided

Teamwork makes the cross-word puzzle to be solved successfully !! ~~

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