Friday 6 May 2016



                      At the very beginning, when Social Engagement was introduced into my list of courses, I was excited as having such a great opportunity to accomplish something different yet meaningful, no matter towards myself or giving back to society. However, after attending the talk regarding Social Engagement which was conducted by Dr. Selvi, a sense of mundane thought run through my mind as it was an uphill struggle for us to implement such variety of laborious tasks under limited conditions. It did bother me at some instances but fortunately, despite all these negative thoughts assaulting my mind of determination towards this course, I was able to display vigor and enthusiasm towards the tasks given by this course. The reason behind this mind-changing decision is just simply because, I have a team, and I knew we are going to do it right spectacularly. 

            When it came to the session in which location and activities had to be chosen, we ambitiously planned to initiate a more inspiring programme rather than those common suggestions by previous volunteers. Hence, we managed to come out with an idea of conducting a camping in MRSM, Pendang Kedah. The location selected was indeed one of the biggest doubts we ever questioned ourselves, but still we accepted this challenge with confidence. Preparation works were equally distributed among us so that maximum efficiency can be achieved within short period of time. Works started to be getting done one by one, and eventually the day before the event was approaching.

            The first day of event was ongoing, I was one of the discipline facilitators of the event. I was told to deliberately display fierce expression throughout the whole event, as having all MRSM students getting controlled was difficult, they were extremely excited for being able to join this event. 

            Throughout the entire process, I observed that most of us displayed leadership spirits to lead and guide the students to engage our prepared activities. Teamwork was shown no matter among the facilitators or the students in order to complete the tasks assigned. Our activities were prepared with creativity and assimilated the concept of Physics into some of the games. For instance, the interesting quiz rally and riddle solving session. Surprisingly, the students were able to complete these activities with theme of Physics. Meanwhile, we tried hard from time to time to improve every single parts of the event to make the flow smooth nay successful. Friendship among us started to surface throughout the event, we reminded each other what we were lacking of and helps were given to those in needs.

            At the last few moments of the event, students and facilitators both presented their heart of appreciation towards each other for making this event a successful one. We took a series of photos as a remembrance to us and also the students involved. 

The event was officially ended, MRSM presented everyone of us with an appreciation gift for bringing uncountable joys and valuable lessons to the students. Our event successfully inspired the involved students and turning them to be a better self in the future. They promised that they will contribute back to the society no matter in what forms one day by having us as their model.

            After accomplishing my social engagement, I have learned how to plan and implement a programme from A to Z; we unanimously agree on things that we argued; we learn to tolerate with each other by not only considering ourselves selfishly; and most importantly, we convey the true and positive messages into society to make this world full of peace and harmony, even little by little. I sincerely appreciate and thanks all walks of life that help and guide us to make this event successful. As a saying goes, “Endure the pain, enjoy the gain”. These valuable lessons should be taught from generation to generation, so that the touch of humanity would never fade.

           “If you know you can do better, then do better”

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